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We believe that one of the core responsibilities of a privte equity fund manager is to deliver high returns

to our investors.


As our investors are from various backgrounds such as pension funds, public and private financial institutions, they manage the assets of the public and many individual citizens. This is why we operate our funds keeping in mind that our investors are in fact the citizens themselves and we do our best to deliver high returns in order to enhance the public welfare as well.


Our determination for investment returns is realized through our fund track records. The rate of return of our accumulated funds including the CRC Funds amounts to an IRR of 20.3%.


Investment Return



Demonstratio longe optima est experientia

By far the best proof is experience

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4F, City Air Tower, 36, Teheran-ro 87-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Korea 06164 | E-MAIL.

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